Teotitlán del Valle, Oaxaca
Teotitlán del Valle es un pueblo zapoteca cerca de Oaxaca que es reconocido en el mundo entero por sus tapices y alfombras. La gente del pueblo hacen sus tapices y sus alfombras usando tintes naturales.
Teotitlan del Valle is a Zapotec town near Oaxaca that is world-famous for its tapestries and rugs. The people of the town make their tapestries and rugs using natural dyes.
Teotitlan del Valle is a Zapotec town near Oaxaca that is world-famous for its tapestries and rugs. The people of the town make their tapestries and rugs using natural dyes.
Here are some of the natural dyes. The red fruit is the pomegranate. You can see the wool before it is dyed.
Ana nos demuestra como se pone la lana en una madeja. La flor amarilla en la canasta a la izquierda es el zempoalxochitl.
Ana shows us how the wool is put on a skein. The yellow flower on the left is the zempoalxochitl, or marigold.
Ana shows us how the wool is put on a skein. The yellow flower on the left is the zempoalxochitl, or marigold.
The wool is placed in these containers and boiled, which dyes it.
The loom.
Works of art for sale.
The jaguar.
The jaguar.
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